Upper abdominal pain and back pain with nausea and vomiting are the main symptoms of chronic pancreatitis. As the disease becomes more chronic, patients may develop malnutrition, weight loss and insulin-dependent diabetes.
The pain is usually a constant, dull pain that gets worse with eating food or drinking alcohol and lessens when sitting up and leaning forward. As the disease progresses, attacks last longer and happen more often. Attacks can last only few hours or as long as several weeks.
If a large area of the pancreas is damaged, its enzymes are not produced and can't reach the intestines. As a result, food and nutrients are poorly absorbed. Bowel movements become frequent and foul smelling because of problems with fat absorption.
If the pancreas is unable to produce the hormone insulin, these symptoms of diabetes mellitus may develop:
- increased thirst
- increased appetite
- increased urination
- fatigue
- weight loss.
If you have any of these signs with abdominal pain, see your doctor immediately. |